Crownview Psychiatric Institute specializes in treating adults whose lives have been affected by acute symptoms of complex mental health concerns such as OCD.

Our multifaceted approach to treatment incorporates therapy, medication, skills development, and comprehensive personal support. In addition to helping our clients experience relief from their mental health symptoms, we empower them to take greater ownership of their recovery and become informed advocates for their own needs.

No matter what a person has been through before they arrive at Crownview, we are committed to meeting them where they are and helping them realize their greatest potential.

What Is OCD?

OCD is short for obsessive-compulsive disorder. It is an often-misunderstood condition that can be a source of extreme distress. People who develop OCD may experience one or both of the following:

  • Obsessions: These are unwanted thoughts that a person cannot prevent from repeatedly occurring.
  • Compulsions: These are behaviors or mental processes that a person cannot stop performing.

It is important to understand how disruptive obsessions and compulsions can be.

In popular culture and casual conversations, OCD is sometimes used as a synonym for extreme focus. This significantly misrepresents what people who have this disorder actually endure. It also perpetuates a stereotype that can prevent them from getting the help they need.

Those who have OCD aren’t “perfectionists,” nor are they simply preoccupied with cleanliness or order. As we will discuss in more detail in the next section, people with OCD are suffering from a chronic mental illness that can make it extremely difficult to simply get through the day, much less fully engage in a productive and satisfying life.

Symptoms of OCD

The impact of OCD can be extremely different from one person to the next. This is partially due to the fact that not everyone develops the same types of symptoms.

Some people who have OCD only have obsessions, some only have compulsions, and some have both types of symptoms.

Here are a few examples of what it can feel like to have the symptoms of OCD:


The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) uses the terms persistent, recurrent, intrusive, and unwanted to describe obsessions. This calls attention to their frequency and unpredictability. It also alludes to how upsetting they can be.

People who have obsessions might experience scenarios such as the following:

  • They may have an intense fear of becoming dirty or contaminated, even in situations where there seems to be no real likelihood that this will occur.
  • While driving, they might suddenly develop a mental image of themselves intentionally crashing the car or swerving into a crowd of people.
  • At random moments, they may have highly sexual, profane, or blasphemous thoughts. If they are around other people, they may fear that they will inadvertently blurt out these thoughts, which would embarrass them and offend the others.
  • They might develop intense emotional distress when something is incomplete, not aligned properly, or out of place.
  • When a terrible event occurs, they may think they are responsible because of something they inadvertently did, or failed to do.


For people who have OCD, compulsions are repetitive actions that they are unable to stop doing. Some, but not all, compulsions are related to obsessions. For example, fear of contamination (an obsession) could cause a person to shower several times each day (a compulsion).

Compulsions can also include examples like these:

  • Being unable to leave a room or exit their house until they have touched certain objects in a particular order. A similar compulsion could force a person to lock and unlock a door several times before they can leave the house or go to bed.
  • Repeatedly checking that they have performed a household task such as turning off the stove or closed a window.
  • Driving through their neighborhood several times to reassure themselves they didn’t unknowingly hit a neighbor’s care or accidentally caused some other damage.
  • Repeating a series of words or numbers over and over again. A person may feel compelled to do this either aloud or mentally.
  • Arranging and rearranging objects until they are perfectly aligned or otherwise positioned “correctly.”

Effects of Untreated OCD

The severity of OCD symptoms – and thus their effect on a person’s life – can vary considerably. At best, they may only cause minor or infrequent disruptions. At worst, their impact can be devastating.

The following outcomes can result from untreated OCD:

  • Disrupted or lost friendships
  • Difficulty forming romantic relationships
  • Substandard performance in school or at work
  • Job loss
  • Chronic unemployment or underemployment
  • Withdrawing from or being shunned by peers and colleagues
  • Abusing substances
  • Hoarding
  • Being unable to leave the house
  • Social isolation
  • Onset of co-occurring mental illnesses

Treatment for OCD at Crownview Psychiatric Institute

Programming for Crownview clients who have obsessive-compulsive disorder may include a combination of medication, therapy, adjunct services, education, and wraparound support.


Antidepressants that affect the production of a neurotransmitter called serotonin have proved to be helpful for many people who have OCD. At Crownview Psychiatric Institute, every client meets with a psychiatrist. This professional can prescribe antidepressants and other medications as needed.

We closely supervise all prescription medication use, and we monitor each client’s response to ensure they are receiving maximum benefit.


Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is widely regarded as one of the most effective therapies for people who have OCD. In addition to CBT, our clients may also take part in many other therapies, including the following:

  • Trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT)
  • Prolonged exposure (PE) therapy
  • Cognitive remediation therapy (CRT)
  • Solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT)
  • Strengths-based therapy

Adjunct Services

We offer a variety of adjunct services that can be included in a client’s treatment plan when appropriate. Many of these services can help clients who have OCD and co-occurring anxiety or depression. Our adjunct services include psychological testing, GeneSight testing, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) therapy, Spravato treatment, and several other options.


The educational component of treatment at Crownview helps clients develop important life and work skills:

  • Life skills sessions address housekeeping, time management, diet and nutrition, meal planning and preparation, household finances, and myriad related topics.
  • During work skills sessions, clients explore job and education options, receive personal coaching, and participate in employment workshops, mock interviews, and other career-related activities.

Wraparound Support

Experienced case managers oversee each client’s treatment and serve as liaisons between our center and the client’s loved ones. These dedicated professionals also assist clients who are having difficulties with tasks such as applying for benefits, accessing community-based support services, and navigating the local public transportation system.

Community and Connection

The entire Crownview team is committed to addressing the social impact of severe mental illness.

Many of our clients have struggled to find a place where they fit in or feel accepted. From the moment a person arrives at our center, we make a concerted effort to let them know that they are a valuable member of our community. While they are with us, our clients learn how to form healthy relationships, set and maintain appropriate boundaries, and share support with others.

Learn More Today

For additional information about treatment for OCD at Crownview Psychiatric Institute, or for answers to any questions you have about any other aspect of our programming, please contact us at your convenience. We will be happy to provide you with the information you need, so that you can make the best decisions for yourself or a loved one.