The word psychosis is loaded with decades of baggage that has a negative impact on how people understand mental health disorders with symptoms related to psychosis: if we want...
A diagnosis for psychosis can be scary, especially when it’s unexpected, but a new approach to predicting early onset psychosis may offer a reliable way to remove surprise from...
Psychosis is a word most of us are familiar with: it that describes symptoms related to several serious mental health disorders, which means early signs of psychosis are things...
Research links bullying has been linked with a wide range of medical, behavioral, and social problems, including psychosis. A January 2024 study in the journal Molecular Psychiatry suggests that...
For people affected by psychosis and other complex mental health concerns, early intervention can make a dramatic difference in both the substance and quality of their lives, and a...
Schizophrenia is a widely misunderstood mental health disorder that can cause significant disruption in daily life, which means understand the early signs of schizophrenia are important – especially for...
Depression is a common mental health disorder in the U.S. and worldwide, but psychotic depression is less known and far less common. In the U.S., around 22.5 million people...
Shortly after the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, experts started paying close attention to the potential long-term impact of infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19,...
One persistent myth about people with complex mental illness is that they’re prone to violence and are a menace to society. People who have disorders such as schizophrenia, schizoaffective...
Welcoming a new child into the world should be a joyous experience, but in some cases, new mothers with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder may be at risk of...
With more than 20 years of experience in Medical Office Administration, Gianna’s philosophy centers around what role she can play in helping others find solutions. She takes pride in helping people and provides a caring atmosphere for Client’s and Co-Workers. She lives in Oceanside with her husband, and volunteers at St. Mary’s Star of the Sea Catholic Church as a Children’s Eucharistic Minister and Sunday School Teacher.
Jodie Dahl, CpHT Medication Technician
Jodie is a native Californian, born and raised in San Diego County. Jodie attended Grossmont and Miramar College. In 2003 she decided to further her education and become a Nationally Certified Pharmacy Technician and graduated from Grossmont Health Occupations Center. She holds experience in managed care as a Patient Benefit Manager. After 14 years of working in a pharmacy environment, Jodie made a career change towards her true passion of helping others in assisting them in their journey to recovery. She always wanted to pursue a career where she could be a part of a company that wants to make a positive difference in someone’s life. Jodie has always been compassionate and empathized with those that struggle with drug and alcohol addiction along with mental illnesses. Jodie joined Crownview in August 2016 and still utilizes her pharmacy background as the Medication Technician for Crownview.